In the view loop can I put some shortcode to show a header on each page?
That is, I do not speak of the page header, I mean a header of the lines that the loop is showing every time the loop jumps to a new page of data.
For example, if I am displaying several columns of data, the "description header" of what each of the columns of the data is. As is usually done with any list sent by the printer.
Hi Francisco,
From your messages, I understand that your requirement has two conditions, to show the static header content:
1. It should show at the top of every new page when the pagination is used
2. It should show at the top when a new group of listing from the child view start
To achieve this, you can insert the static header content at two places:
1. In your parent view ( Impresoras View 2 ), right after the "[wpv-items-found]" shortcode.
( for the condition 1 )
2. Again, in your child view ( Impresoras-Fabricante View ), right after the "[wpv-items-found]" shortcode.
( for the condition 2 )
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.
Thank you very much for your help Waqar.