I would like to add a search field for property on the home page without map (like airbnb homepage)
I would like to search by city by recalling the city from the address field filled in by the owner and linked to the map.
For example, if a user searches for a city (Rome) the system automatically finds Rome Italy.
After when the user clicks on the search button the result should be shown on a second page that I have already created with the accommodations and the map.
Hi Shane,
thanks for reply. I've followed your tips but I can't reach the goal.
I've created an hompage with a filter by distance but I need something different like attached image (without map results on this page).
After I push submit button the search should go to another page (se attachment 2) where I can see the result of the summary search (structure on the left and maps on the righ)and add the filter search.
In order to remove these additional fields you will need to hide them with CSS, however remember this is a Distance filter and not a filter to filter the posts by address.
We are able to hide some of the fields elements but not all. For instance you wont be able to hide the text "Show Results Within".
In order to setup the search on one page and the results on another you are going to need at least 1 more page. One for the dedicated search given that this current page has the entire view..
Follow the instructions below:
1. Create a search page then insert your view.
2. When inserting the view, you will see the options in the right sidebar "Both the search form and results Only the search form Only the search results."
3. Select only the search form. Then select "on another page"
4. Search for the page that you've already setup the view on.
5. Finally just save your search page post.
Once you've done this your search form will link to the results page that you currently have.
Please let me know if these instructions were clear.
Hi Shane,
thanks for support alway fast and accurate.
I'm trying to follow your instruction but really I don't see the: "...options in the right sidebar "Both the search form and results Only the search form Only the search results."".
I've attached a print screen to show you how I can see, please could you tell me where I'm wrong?
I've selected the View but on the right bar I can only see "Custom search" different option.
Thank you for your help.
From your screenshot i'm seeing where you are working on the view on the current page that it was created on.
What you need to do is to create a new page and insert this view, however before clicking on Edit Original or Edit as Copy you will see the option to insert the search on in the Blocks sidebar, see my screenshot
This option will show immediately after inserting the block view into the page.
Please let me know if you're still not able to see this option.