I am trying to: Get the Hidden custom fields into toolset to use with views.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I used php to display the content text under the featured image in a widget. This works fine, however toolset is not showing the hidden meta in backend.All I can find is 1 field _give_pdf_receipts_template while there should be allot.
I expected to see: All the Give plugin fields showup when I click on select custom fields button in settings hidden custom fields.
Instead, I got: Just one field called _give_pdf_receipts_template
Hi, there are some other issues with the GIVE plugins as well:
When you have both Toolset Types (3.0) and the plugin "Give - Donation Plugin" active, and try to (for example) add a new Child Post within an existing Parent, then the "Save" button remains greyed out
This issue you report here however sounds new to me.
It is strange that the only field appearing there is not in the other list, while the Meta inspector shows a lot of fields that seem to not exist in the Views List...
I need to know how this is set up, so I could test it and eventually confirm a compatibility issue.
However, it is rare that a native meta field, if registered and saved following the WordPress standards is not shown there, it is like those fields are not yet populated.
Let's assume those Fields are registered, but not yet saved against any post, then it may be the reason why they do not appear.
That is the only I can think of.
If the Plugins required to replicate these steps are paid, can you either attach them in a Google Folder (ZIP, shared with all who have this link), and instruct me how to replicate the problem, or you can send me a duplicate of your site, which I can use to replicate the issue and eventually report it.
If the Plugins are free, you can just link me to the download area and pass the instructions how to produce the issue.
Any luck yet? Got an email from the support bot. Decided to reply here 🙂
Hi Thomas,
Beda is away these days and I'm covering him.
I've checked your installation and did some tries and I can confirm that the issue exists on your installation.
I've escalated the issue to be checked in the second tier queue and probably by the development team.
Please keep watching this ticket and I will notify you once I get any news.
Hi Thomas,
Here are our investigations results:
The give wp donations plugin stores its forms data in a table (wp_give_formmeta) and we get the posts meta from the post meta table which is the native WordPress API provides.
We are able to show public and hidden fields that are created and updated using the WordPress API. We can not read different tables created by third-party plugins.
So, unfortunately, nothing we can do here.
Sad story! It will drastically limit my options... But thanks for checking!