I am sorry that I didn't explain clearly.
my site has 2 custom post types
1) public business listing
2) restricted business listing.
The reason I set up this is to set certain information private.
If a user comes to want to see about information in a list. They can only see the public business list. If they want to see more information. They need to request information and get access to a restricted business listing of the public business listing.
one public business list and one restricted business list is related by one to one relationship.
When a paid user want to create a list, they submit a post form for restricted business list form, pay, and enter all information(e.g. address) which he wants to keep private that only requested user can access. Then he creates a public business list and enter some information he doesn't mind to reveal to the general public and save.
At this point. this user has one restricted business list and one public business list. They are parent and child relationships. But, their information is independent of each other. e.g. he can enter exact address on restriected business list, but he enter only zip code on the public business list.
My 1st question is.
When he create/edit or save the public business list(child), can toolset automatically pass parent's address into child's address field and save it somehow? So if he doesn't mind expose the exact address, he doesn't have to do anything. And the address field of the child post contains the same address from its parent list.
But if he wants to enter only zip code, he can click a checkbox to override, so he can actually fill in the address field his zipcode only.
So, the child post's address field only contains Zipcode.
If this is doable, that's great!
If not,
My 2nd question is: can my top page search filters from its parent's value? Right now, my search view queries the "public business list" Thanks to your help, I was able to make it work. Thank you.
But can add any filters from its parent value? for example, It's parent's restricted business list has an alcohol license Yes or no field. But I cannot use this custom field to filter the search result.
So I had to create the same alcohol license field on its child post so the users can search. But it is really redundant and it's confusing.
I would like to eliminate this repeat value. the post author has to enter the same information twice and it might cause a problem.
If my question No.1 can be doable, I don't have to worry about 2nd question because I can use child's post custom field to filter right?
Do you have a better picture of what I want to do? Please let me know if you are not sure some.