We have our website using Themify Ultra theme and use toolset for the horses for sale page. Customer can submit their horse and upload text and pictures themselves. We'd like to have new customers submit their horses, but pay to add their horse and register first so we can approve their listing. What can we use to create this?
Can you also use the theme from Themify and incorporate it with your plugins?
That would be awesome!
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
Although the themes from Themify are not among our recommended themes ( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/recommended-themes/ ), you can still use them with Toolset plugins.
To register users and collect Ad post information from them, you can use Toolset's user and post forms.
We have a detailed guide on the topic of creating a directory/classified website at:
At the time of Ad submission, you can set its status to "Pending Review" and then when the payment for the order completes (assuming you're using the WooCommerce plugin to collect payments for the orders), you can set the status to change to "Published".
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.