Hi Gavin
You are doing something atypical here.
Normally you would have one map and display all the markers on a single map.
The wpv-map-render shortcode would come before the Loop (so is rendered only once) and the wpv-map-marker shortcode comes inside the Loop, so is output for each matching post. The map has an id, and the markers use that id.
Your problem is that you have the wpv-map-render shortcode inside the Loop, so you have multiple maps, but your markers are all set to use the same map id.
So you need to generate unique ids for each map and make sure the marker uses the correct unique id.
You can do this by adding the number of the loop iteration to the map id. This is not something you can do directly with Views, but I have a general purpose custom shortcode which will achieve that.
So, add the following to your theme's functions.php file (or use a plugin such as Code Snippets) to register the custom shortcode loop-iteration:
* Add loop-iteration shortcode
* Attributes
* 'n' (optional) : test for nth iteration
add_shortcode( 'loop-iteration', function( $atts ){
global $loop_n;
if ( !isset( $loop_n ) ) {
$loop_n = 0;
return $loop_n;
if ( !isset( $atts['n'] ) ) {
// no nth parameter, just return the current index
return $loop_n;
else {
$remainder = ( $loop_n + 1 ) % $atts['n'];
return ( $remainder == 0 );
To be able to use that inside a Views shortcode you need to register it at Toolset > Settings > Front-end Content in the section "Third-party shortcode arguments".
Now edit your Loop output to generate unique map IDs, something like this:
<!-- wpv-loop-start -->
[wpv-map-render map_id="map-[loop-iteration]"]
[wpv-map-marker map_id="map-[loop-iteration]" marker_id="marker-[wpv-post-id]" marker_field="wpcf-home-address"][/wpv-map-marker]
<!-- wpv-loop-end -->
Your markers will then appear on the correct maps.