I have launched my site to production, I need to add and change the Views/Forms/Content Template to improve the functionality, as the users' data is being created while I develop the new feature on the staging site, it is quite difficult for me to update the Views/Forms/Content Template from staging to production. Is there any better way for me to do it, such as import/export the View/Forms/Content Template only?
Thanks for your reply. Is there any difference if I use the block or legacy views?
I have some View linked to Content Template and Content Template also links to another View, may I know whether Module Manager will check the dependences when I export?
Thanks for your reply. Is there any difference if I use the block or legacy views?
The main is usability difference where blocks offers GUI and blocks and legacy view is build using shortcodes.
In terms of exporting views and content templates created using blocks, module manager may not works as its designed to support for legacy content templates and views not blocks.
You may also try to check with Toolset => Import / Export and see if that helps you. You should try to run a test on test site first and check if everything works ok then you should go ahead and go with either module manager or Toolset import/export.
Module manager will not check any dependence it will just export whatever content template or views you add it to the module.