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I need to create a front-end form that would allow me to edit a nested repeating field group. Is there any way to edit a Nested Repeating Field Group using Toolset Forms?
What do you mean by "Each repeatable field group requires its own separate form."? Can you be more specific? How would I implement these separate forms?
Resume 1 (CPT)
- Resume Category A (RFG)
-- Resume Detail A (NRFG)
-- Resume Detail B (NRFG)
1. I would it be possible for me to edit the NRFG using a front end form?
2. When you say I would need a separate form for each. Do you mean each record or each field group? I need more clarification on what your advice is.
However, it is possible to create an edit post Form for a nested RFG and implement it with an edit post link, much like you would implement an edit post Form for the parent RFG with an edit post link in a View of the parent post type...nothing in the system will stop you from doing this even though it's technically not supported. This is really confusing, and I'm trying to get the best information for you now. I'll update you when I have some feedback.
I'm pleased to have some good news about this - my 2nd tier support team says that editing nested RFGs is now supported. The documentation is under review and subject to a change soon. Basically the new Blocks plugin does not support nested Views, and the documentation for Blocks and classic Views will be split. Without nested Views, it is difficult to implement the edit nested RFG Form in a usable way. The new documentation will include more information about that. So with this limitation in mind, it's best to use the classic Views editor to create a nested View structure with edit post links to edit each RFG or nested RFG. You'll create another unassigned Content Template to hold the Edit Post Form (the post in this case is the nested RFG). So the process is very much like creating and implementing the original edit parent RFG Form.