I try to Install Classified with Framework Installer. After I click Install Classified Framework Installer try to import demo data and erased all tables within WordPress Database but try to nothing import. Please help!
This is clearly stated before you import any site.
It will delete your database (overwrite it)
It does not do this without the clear agreement of the user (hence, just activating the plugin will not delete the database)
Only after you clearly agreed, you can proceed with the processes:
I understand that all my data will be erased from this website.
I have a backup of my database and all my files.
There is not much we can do after the database is overwritten.
You can try to ask your Server Host if they keep backups of it.
That can help to re-install your previous database.
Now if this is about the missing import, it is very crucial that you have an outstanding Internet Connection to import that site.
Please proceed as follows:
- open the browser console > network
- run the import
- observe if the network reports little bulks of data being loaded, ca 500mb each bulk
- do not close the browser or interrupt the internet connection during this process
- it may require a few minutes (up to half an hour)
Seems like an issue where the site is unable to write to the Database.
I just tested this to ensure it's not an issue on our end and it works fine. Would you mind allowing me to have access to the site to check on this for you ?
I see the issue. The problem is that the installer isn't allowed to run to completion. It seems that it's being interrupted. Could you reset the site once more since it is a fresh site so that I can check the debug data for the site.
Are you able to access the server logs ? This could point to the issue. If youre able to access the server logs please let me know if not then I can export the demo that you want and import it manually to your site.
which collaction you used for import data? I have found that after DB Error Collation FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'
Should I set utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci Collation for my DB?
But i can't found utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci collaction under my DB Options.... I have utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation without "520".
Could you check what version of MySQL you are using ?
Could you let me know if it at least version 5.6 ? If not then you can upgrade to this version. The other alternative is for me to provide a backup file with the site import that you want with the collation changed.
I have MySQL 5.5.62
Upgrade is not the options for me. I have many live projects on the server. it can break my sites.
So please send me your backup files.