I am trying to: filter 'trainingen' by startdate of the child 'coursedate' (with post relationship)
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link under the section 'aankomende trainingen'
I expected to see: only 'trainingen' that have 'coursedates' coupled that have a startdate in the future.
Instead, I got: No results.
I added screenshots of my setup. To clarify, traingnen has a child relationship 'coursedates'. These list al the dates for the training. Now i want a view where i filter to show only trainingen with coursedates in the future.
i think i understand how i can solve my issue with your comment. I just have one question i will probably run into. I only want to show 5 'trainings' and show all dates of that training. However how can i limit the view to only show 5 'trainings' (since i will now be queriyng for 'dates').
So this is the issue now. Since the view is displaying courses now instead of training you are essentially limiting it to 5 courses. So if the first 5 courses that are being displayed have the same Training, you will see the same name for each listed item.