I am trying to:
Load a file in a field field of a cred form.
When i select file from my pc i see a progress bar loading but after came back "No file selected" text and can complete type creation.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
Page is for member only (see the attached screenshot)
I expected to see:
File loaded and possibilty to click on "Invia" to save the post
Instead, I got:
File not loaded and filed still remain empty
I try to switch to default theme 2018 and file field works fine.
I use Jupiter X theme (one of the most famous theme avaiable), can you help me to check the problem with this theme before i need to switch definitly to other?
Tnx a lot,
Hi Max,
Thank you for contacting us and sorry to learn about the difficulty you're having.
I've tested the file upload field with base "Jupiter" theme (version 6.0.2) and it worked as expected, without any issue.
Have you tested this with all non-Toolset plugins disabled and temporarily switching to the parent Jupiter theme, instead of the child? This will help in narrowing down to the conflicting code.
If the field works as expected with the parent theme, you can check your child theme's code for a possible conflict. It will also help to see if there are any errors/warnings recorded in the browser's console, when the file upload fails.
( ref: https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Your_Browser_to_Diagnose_JavaScript_Errors )
In case the issue persists with all other plugins disabled and with the parent theme, you're welcome to share temporary admin login details, in reply to this message.
Your next reply will be private, so that only you and our support team will have access to it.
Importnat note: Please make a complete backup copy of the website, before sharing the access details.
Just a little more info for you...
i use JupiterX (the new version restyled with Elementor visual builder).
With default theme (Twenty Ninteneen) works fine.
Can you tell me if have some info about issue with this theme (JupiterX)?
Tnx a lot,
Hi Max,
Thanks for sharing the update.
We haven't received any other reports about a compatibility issue between the file upload field and the JupiterX theme, but I'll be happy to investigate this further.
For this, I'll need a snapshot/clone of your website, so that I can run some further tests on my own server.
We usually recommend the free Plugin “Duplicator” for this porpoise.
( https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/
If you already know how Duplicator works, please skip the video tutorial that follows and just send me the installer file and the zipped package that you'll get.
Video tutorial:
hidden link
You probably want to use DropBox, Google Drive, or similar services, as the snapshot file will be quite big.
Important note: Please remember to create or keep an admin account for me before creating the snapshot, or I won’t be able to log in. You may delete the new admin account once the snapshot has been built.
I will enable your next reply as private so you can provide me the information securely.
Hi Max,
Thank you for sharing these details.
I'll be running a few tests with the JupiterX theme and the file upload field in the form.
Will update you, as soon as I'll have some update.
Thank you for your patience.
Hi Max,
Thank you for waiting.
During troubleshooting, I noticed that the JupiterX theme loads a script file "input-spinner.js" when the WooCommerce plugin is active.
( path: jupiterx/lib/assets/js/woocommerce/input-spinner.js )
This specific script results in a conflict with the file upload field and can also result in more script conflicts with other plugins.
You can share this report with the theme author so that they can update that script or only load it on WooCommerce related pages.
I hope these findings will help.