Hi, ive been using toolset almost 2 years now.
i would like to understand how this works
i created a field group and under the "Settings for the fields group" set to appear only when Taxonomy is "xxxx"
Now the issue is the output always different , it appear at all conditions. whats the limitation here ?
2. how do i set it to hide default and to appear only when i select taxonomy "xxxx" ?
snippets code ?
Yes, it is possible within Types plugin, for example:
1) Edit the post field group, in section "Settings for the fields group", click button "Edit" of "Appears on",
2) Click tab "Taxonomies", find and enable the specific term "term1" option, see screenshot Taxonomies.JPG
3) Create a post, you won't see the field group by default,
assign it with term "term1", and save the post, you will see the field group.
Hi . yes i understand this part. but this will not change in ajax mode .
example changing the taxonomies from xxx to yyy ? i need to refresh the page to reveal the options.
You need to edit a single post in admin side, changing the taxonomies from xxx to yyy, and save the post, and refresh the post, then you will be able to see the Field Group, hope it is clear.
ok. is there anyway to force refresh the page when there is a change in taxonomies so that the related fields appear and not confuse the users ?
As you can see, there isn't such a built-in feature within Types plugin, if you agree, we can take it as a feature request.
Yes, please ajax refresh will be good.
OK, as your request, I have forwarded it to Beda, he manages the feature request, and our developers will evaluate it.
But there isn't any ETA for it.