We need to export post type data and images related to custom post types from an old installation of Toolset.
We entered the page IMPORT/EXPORT but when we click on "EXPORT" of all data from Types, nothing happens.
What could be the problem? In the past we successfully exported the custom post type data.
Hi Franco,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
The export/import feature at WP Admin -> Toolset -> Export / Import can be used to transfer definitions of Toolset components like custom fields, custom post types, and custom taxonomies and Toolset settings. But, it doesn't transfer the actual data/content and media library files saved in those custom fields, custom post types, and custom taxonomies:
To export the actual content, you can use the WordPress built-in export feature at WP Admin -> Tools -> Export. And for more control and options there are third-party plugins available as well:
hidden link
hidden link
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.