I am trying to: create bi-lingual user forms and CRED & WPML seem to support it in general. However the E-mail Notifications do seem to always send the email in English even though it's translated with WPML String Translation.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
Dutch Front-end with the CRED form in question: hidden link
Admin for the same CRED form: hidden link
The user form itself is translated properly, but the email notification that it sends is not translated. However the translation for it is provided here: hidden link
My CRED User Form was within DIVI Builder Page. Translations were already finalized.
It seems that I got it to work if I created a new page, embed CRED User Form directly into a new Page, without DIVI builder. And then copied the content of the page ENG-->NL.
Then, not sure why, also the one wrapped in DIVI Builder Page started to work. Maybe creation of the new page with CRED form triggered the translation to work on old pages as well.