I have an issue with Email Notification that I still cannot resolve.
After creating a User Form, setting up notification to be sent to the current user and displaying it on front-end, I fill out the form on front-end to see how it works (yet still logged in as Admin (maybe it causes the issue)), the form is submitted fine, and the user is created within the WordPress User post type, but there is no email sent to the email address provided. Could you please help?
It might be a server problem, please check these:
1) Check your email box, in "Spam" folder.
2) Edit that User Form, edit the "E-mail Notification", click the button " Send a test email", check if you can get the test email
If you can not see
then it should be a server problem, please enable the PHP debug mode, copy/paste the debug logs here
More help:
Yes, it was in spam in Google Mail. I resolved it and test notifications now reach Gmail.
Could you explain how to properly set up notification so that the registrant (not the admin) could get auto-generated password and login details upon completing the form?
You can follow our document to generate the email notificaion:
Section "Enabling auto-generation of login information for a form", see screenshot:
hidden link
And display the password in the notification body content, see screenshot:
hidden link