Hello guys,
I've setup a website with a cred form to create a new user.
When this user is created i would like to follow standard WP pattern, meaning:
1. New user receives an email with a link
2. When new user follow that link he can set PW (there's a strong pw suggestion prefilled) on a page*.
3. When PW is saved new user is forwarded to login page.
I have a custom login page and i would like to have the user the PW set on a custom designed page as well.
Is the above possible with Toolset?
For me it looks like the Toolset way is to send autogenerated PW in the email (which feels a bit unsafe).
1. New user receives an email with a link
2. When new user follow that link he can set PW (there's a strong pw suggestion prefilled) on a page*.
3. When PW is saved new user is forwarded to login page.
Essentially these are not possible with our Toolset plugin as the user needs to set the their password directly on the form itself or have Toolset generate the password.
The passwords are being generated with the same function that wordpress itself uses to autogenerate its strong passwords the wp_generate_password() function.
Hi Shane, thanks for the update. I understand that it is not possible. I'm not doubting the quality of the pw by the way, it's just a bit of an unsafe pattern to email a password (however, you guys offer an alternative). Thanks anyway!