There are some problems in your original post view "newsearch"
hidden link
for example:
You are querying the "Evenementen" posts, and filter by taxonomy "Trainers", but this taxonomy does not register to "Evenementen" post, see it here:
hidden link
section "Taxonomies to be used with "
so that taxonomy filter won't be able to work.
so I have cloned it to the new post view "newsearch 2", and done the modifications here:
hidden link
You can see it in front-end:
hidden link
Please check if it is what you want.
Some tips:
1) If you are going to setup Bootstrap grid with Views plugin, you can setup it within Views GUI, for example, in the new post view "newsearch 2":
hidden link
section "Search and Pagination", click button "Grid", see screenshot Grid.JPG
2) In above post view "newsearch 2", section "Search and Pagination", click "CSS editor", you should be able to see all custom CSS codes I have done:
.my-center-div{ /* submit and reset button div */
text-align: center;
margin: auto;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.my-center-div input[name="wpv_filter_submit"]{ /* add margin-right to submit button */
margin-right: 20px !important;
.my-center-ul { /* pagination link div*/
margin: auto;
I have added the comments in above CSS codes, for your reference.
3) As I mentioned above, the taxonomy "Trainers" filter won't be able to work, you should be able to see this message:
This View has some query filters that are missing from the form. Maybe you have removed them:
Filter by categorie-trainer-evenement
And finally, you can put above view shortcode into your other pages:
[wpv-view name="newsearch-2"]