WordPress Directory and Classifieds Sites Course≫Chapter #11≫Registering Users from the Front-end on Directory Sites≫Using forms to create an “Edit your profile” page in WordPress
I have a "Go back to your account page" link on my profile edit page.
I have set the link to go to the account page.
My settings: Return to account page
"2383" is my account page (fixed page / mode 2) id.
Q: Why doesn't it transition to id = 2383
I also tried the next transition but it didn't work. Return to account page
"2346" is login form (content template/mode 1)id.
Even 2346 did not transition normally.
What kind of link should I put here?
Assuming that your my account page is a static page that will dynamically populate based on the logged in user, then you can just write the relative link to the page.
Would you mind allowing me to have admin access to the site as well as a link to the my account page and the page that you're trying to add this button on ?