What you need is to output the term name, and we don't have a shortcode for that which works in this context.
You can register a custom shortcode that will; here is a general purpose one you can use:
* Register shortcode to output current taxonomy
* for use on taxonomy archive page outside or inside loop
* att['output'] string taxonomy | name (default) | slug | term_id | description | count | field (requres att['field'])
* att['field'] string key
add_shortcode('taxonomy', function ($atts = [], $content = null) {
// provide defaults
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'output' => 'name',
'field' => '',
$return = '';
global $wp_query;
$obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if ($output != 'field') {
$return = $obj->$output;
} else {
if (isset($field)) {
$return = get_term_meta($obj->term_id, $field, true);
return $return;
Add that as a code snippet at Toolset > Settings > Custom Code.
To output the term name use the taxonomy shortcode on its own without arguments, but for reference you can also use it like
[taxonomy output='taxonomy'] -- outputs the taxonomy slug
[taxonomy] -- outputs the term name (default)
[taxonomy output='count'] -- outputs the count of results
[taxonomy output='field' field='wpcf-colour'] -- outputs a 'colour' taxonomy custom field
This is perfect and has worked brilliantly - thanks so much! ? I have also learnt about the "custom shortcodes" feature which I had no idea existed.
Finally, before I leave you alone, can I ask how I can use Views to get rid of the search box at the bottom and the title "Archives" at the top of the page e.g. here: hidden link
Any WordPress page is generated by a theme PHP template, so that page might be generated by an archive.php file, for example.
The only part of the page which Toolset replaces is the part which is output by the function the_content() in the theme file, effectively the post body of what's being displayed. Everything outside of that is output by the theme.
That would be the case with these elements you want to remove.
You would need to make a duplicate of the theme PHP template (e.g. archive.php) and add that to a child theme, where you can safely edit it, removing the parts that you do not want.