Tell us what you are trying to do?
I am creating an index for a magazine. I want to be able to link to the shop page where you can purchase an issue. The shop is a separate website with a different URL than my site.
I have a CPT for individual articles. I have a taxonomy for Issue Number. The URL to the shop page is in a custom field on each Issue Number term.
I have created a template for single articles and a template for the single issue archives. I would like to be able to put a link or button in these templates, linking to the shop page for that issue.
I can find no way to do this dynamically. On Containers and Headings, the only options for dynamic links are the post title or the author title. You cannot select a post meta field containing a link.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I have found no relevant documentation. I did find a prior support ticket with the same request: But that thread does not contain any discussion of a solution to the problem.
In your case, it needs a taxonomy view, see below test site:
Login URL: hidden link
1) Enable Legacy editor:
Dashboard-> Toolset-> Settings-> General, in section "Editing experience", enable option: Show both the legacy and Blocks interface and let me choose which to use for each item I build
hidden link
2) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Views, create a Taxonomy view "Issue Number terms":
hidden link
- Query terms of "Issue Numbers" taxonomy
- Filter by:
Taxonomy is set by the page where this View is inserted
- In view's loop, display the term field "URL to shop page"
3) In the single "individual articles" post, display above taxonomy view shortcode:
[wpv-view name="issue-number-terms"]
See the result here:
hidden link