Dear Sir/Madam,
I use duplicator to duplicate a production site for 2nd phase development. After I restore it on local, I found all the Toolset custom post did not be duplicated.
You may find the duplicated package, it was duplicated excluding the folder wp-content/uploads, cache and wp-snapshots
I want to have a full duplication before doing any plugins upgrade.
Best regards,
Something strange is going on, and I'm not entirely sure what it is. I was able to get these posts to reappear on my local environment. Here's what I did.
- Logged into your wp-admin and navigated to /backend/wp-admin/admin.php?page=duplicator
- Downloaded the Installer and Archive from 2017-12-31 12:17
- Installed the clone locally on my development environment
- In wp-admin, it appeared that several custom post types are not visible
- Deleted /wp-content/plugins/types and /wp-content/plugins/wp-views
- Downloaded the latest versions of Types and Views at
- Replaced the plugin folders for Types and Views
- Returned to wp-admin, and now custom posts are appearing as expected
I think something must be corrupted in the Duplicator package plugin files. When I use the latest plugin versions, everything seems to be working correctly. Can you confirm?
Dear Christian Cox,
Thanks for your testing, yes, I did the same like yours, I download the latest version of Types and Views can view the custom post.
Now I try to export both the Types and Views, I download and import to my local environment, zip files are corrupted. Not sure whether it is caused by server or Toolset itself.
Best regards,
When you say they are corrupted, does that mean some of the data is missing or invalid? Or does the importer fail to read the zip files?
Can you post the zip files somewhere I can download them and test?
What version of Types and Views are you running on your local environment?