I ran my site through HTML validator and found two major problems:
Problem 1:
There are lots of orphaned </p> tags that I did not create. In Chrome's inspector, it would show as if there's an empty <p></p> tag, but when I checked the source, there were only orphaned </p> tags. This happens throughout the site, in home page and archive pages.
View Code (see end of line 2)
<article id="post-[wpv-post-id]" class="et_pb_post clearfix post type-post status-publish format-video has-post-thumbnail hentry post_format-post-format-video">
<a href="[wpv-post-url]" class="entry-featured-image-url"><img src="[wpv-post-featured-image output="url" size="large"]" alt="[wpv-post-excerpt length="20" count="word" format="noautop"]" width="1080" height="675"></a>
<h2 class="entry-title">
<a href="[wpv-post-url]">[wpv-post-title output="sanitize"]</a>
<div class="post-meta">[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-post-url item="@article-author.parent"]' ne '' )"]By <span class="author vcard"><a href="[wpv-post-url item="@article-author.parent"]" title="Posts by [wpv-post-title output="sanitize" item="@article-author.parent"]" rel="author">[wpv-post-title output="sanitize" item="@article-author.parent"]</a> on </span> [/wpv-conditional]<span>[wpv-post-date format="M j, Y"]</span></div>
HTML Output
<article id="post-4998" class="et_pb_post clearfix post type-post status-publish format-video has-post-thumbnail hentry post_format-post-format-video">
<a href="/first-friendships/" class="entry-featured-image-url"><img src="<em><u>hidden link</u></em>" alt="How did you last meet a friend? Chances are, you were introduced through another friend or, they've been in your …" width="1080" height="675"></a></p>
<h2 class="entry-title">
<a href="/first-friendships/">First Friendships</a><br />
<div class="post-meta">By <span class="author vcard"><a href="/person/maygen-kardash/" title="Posts by Maygen Kardash" rel="author">Maygen Kardash</a> on </span> <span>September 30, 2018</span></div>
Problem 2:
When a View is called several times in a page, it would create multiple elements with the same ID, for example:
<div id="wpv-view-layout-4174-CATTRc067f87894ae5f85a7c4d877ea13f828TCPID81" class="js-wpv-view-layout js-wpv-layout-responsive js-wpv-view-layout-4174-CATTRc067f87894ae5f85a7c4d877ea13f828TCPID81"...>
<div id="et-boc" class="et-boc">
<form id="js-toolset-maps-coords-form" class="js-wpv-ajax-results-enabled">
The 3 elements / tags above repeat every time that particular view is called. I understand that "et-boc" is a Divi tag, but is there a way to get rid of it? Also, Toolset Maps isn't used in this View, but why is it even part of the code?
Please use the dev site URL and credential I provided to debug. The .htaccess username and password are the same as the WordPress one.