I am trying to:
I'm using the drag and drop form editor to work on a User Form. Once I've made the changes (adding custom fields, editing field labels, etc.) and hit the Save button, the form loads the default fields back to its initial state before I made the changes and saved it. This is not good and a major problem because I keep losing my work. Also note that even after the form reloads the default fields, the front end does reflect my changes. But all that is wiped out once I save the form again as it seems to be already messing up what I had.
This is a recorded screen action to prove what happens: hidden link
After submitting this ticket, I realized that there were some plugin updates available. Once I did the updating, the issue seemed to have gone away. So I'm all ok back to business now!
After updating the plugin with latest version, the issue seemed to have gone - for a while. To day strangely, I'm having the "teething" issue again. When I save the form for editing existing content, the fields under form editor go back to default state the next time I open the form. Front end is still displaying form content correctly from what I saved the last time. But when I save the editor the next time, the front end will loose the initial saved data and go back to default state as well. This can be frustrating.
After further testing, I could further narrow down the issue. I notice that there are occasions when I click on the individual form blocks within the form editor, the box sort of moves or jumps a bit. I reckon that this is Javascript in action. When this happens, the Javascript glitch may have messed up the form code, therefore the teething issue occurs when I save the form.
I imagine making the drag and drop responsiveness a bit less sensitive may lessen the chance of unintentional disturbance of the field blocks. This is just my theory.
As for my immediate issue, the forms seems to be stabilized now. I just have to be really careful when interacting with those field blocks when moving them around.
We don't have other reports of anything similar that I'm aware of, so why don't I mark this thread as awaiting feedback from you.
You'll get an automated nudge in a week or so, and you can update with your experience then (or sooner, of course, if there is something demonstrable that I can try and replicate).
In my experience using the form, I'd say that the drag and drop function is very nice feature that allows the user to quickly create a form without messing the code and HTML. However, I find the drag and drop function unstable and unpredictable when saving the form - at times the code can get messed up or even causing the form not displaying properly else where.
For now, I have to work in the expert mode. It takes a bit more work dealing raw code, but at least the form in this mode is pretty solid - no funky business that gets me worried.
Hope the development team continue to improve the drag and drop function and make it more reliable tool.