Example here: hidden link (only for logged in members so I attach a screenshot)
As you can see the empty terms are in the list. Displayed are the term name and the text "No items found".
Is it possible only to show the terms that are not empty?
In Query Options I checked "Don't show empty terms".
Your inner, nested, View is only displaying Experts, but the outer View doesn't know that it should only consider expert posts for the term count that determines whether a term is empty or not.
Hi Nigel,
I would like to try this.
But it seems very complicated for me as a non-coder.
What exactly should I write in the filter and in which of the views (and where) should I place it?
I hope you can help me further.
Thank you.
I resolved the problem.
I created an archive for Experts with nested views as explained earlier in this thread.
I deleted the code between <wpv-loop> and </wpv-loop>.
I added a view above the loop that shows the Taxonomy "Countries" ordered by term name, ascending (=alphabetical):
<!-- wpv-loop-start -->
The nested view shows Experts, ordered by Post title (=Expert name), ascending (=alphabetical):
<!-- wpv-loop-start -->
<ul class="experts-in-country"><wpv-loop>