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How can i show Relationships like i have towns and people. And show all people on town using Divi 4
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Firstly, Divi 4 introduced breaking changes and Toolset is currently only compatible with Divi 3, if you are starting a new project and you want to use Divi then you should stick to version 3. (See
Relationships are quite a big topic, so let me point you to some of the documentation, and then if there is something specific you don't understand I'll be happy to clarify.
In brief, you define the relationship (at Toolset > Relationships), and then you create your data, connecting posts of the related types from the post edit screens.
And then you use Views to display related posts (by adding a relationship Query Filter which limits the posts to those related to the post you specify, typically the current post being displayed).