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I have a created several search views that uses the "clinical-site-address" field to sort by location. My client now wants multiple site options. So I created a repeatable group for multiple locations.
Here is a test Trial that I created with multiple locations: hidden link
This trial has locations in Cleveland - OH, Sarasota - FL, Oklahoma City - OK, and New York - NY
I do not know how I can get my "Search by Location" views to pick up the multiple locations. eg. When i search New York, NY this test trial does not come up.
Here are the views i'm referring to: hidden link hidden link hidden link
Each trial is show on it's own page. How can I get the list of sites (City and State) to show up in the Multisite locations section. Here is the link to the Elementor Template. See Screenshot. hidden link
Also This trial is not is not showing up in the results of these 2 views (Is it because of the repeatable group?): hidden link hidden link
I have edited your post to remove the credentials, it is not safe to share them publicly.
The Toolset repeatable group is based on one-to-many relationship, so each item of repeatable group is also a single post, in your case, each item of repeatable group is a single post of post type "list-locations".
And Views is using WordPress Class WP_Query to query posts, so if you are querying "Trial" posts, you can not filter/order the result by fields another post type, this is a limitation of WordPress Class WP_Query .
Then display above post view into single "Trial" content.
Please elaborate the questions with more details: Also This trial is not is not showing up in the results of these 2 views
Which "trial" post do you want to show up? Where do you want it to show up?
Thank you. I was able to get the list of my locations to show up in the Single Trial posts.
I want to confirm one thing. You are saying it is NOT possible for me to do a Location search with an Address field in the Trial custom post type and an Address field the List of Locations post type.
Entering Austin in this search box (See Screenshot): hidden link
Will not find this Trial where Austin, TX is an address in the List of Locations. hidden link
I tried to change the "Compare_Field" in the Search and Pagination Section of the View (See Screenshot). This did not work.
If this is the case, is there ANY way around this? I really need to be able to search all locations?
I have read through these links many times and I still don't understand how I can loop this new List of Locations into my original list of Location of trials.
Here is a video of the 2 views I created: hidden link
I created a Query List of Locations. You can see it here. hidden link
#1) Search List of Locations - this is the query the my list of locations that is the repeatable group in the Trial Locations.
#2) Zip Code Search - the is the main list of Trial locations. This is where I want to have my repeatable groups show up in the search query. hidden link
The documentation you provided doesn't have screenshots showing how to insert this view into the new List of Locations view. This is where I get lost.
Let me elaborate the issue #1 with more details:
If you want to search the result by fields of "list-locations" items, then you can try these:
Create a new page, in this page below post view:
- Query "list-locations" posts
- Filter by fields of "list-locations": city-state, address ...
- In view's loop, display it's parent "Trial" post information
It will be able to filter/order the results by custom fields of "list-locations" items, it won't be able to filter/order the results by custom fields of "Trial" post type.
If you still need assistance for it, please provide a test site with the same problem, fill below private message box with login details, also point out the problem page URL and view URL, I can setup a demo for you. Private message box enabled.
Both credentials are not valid, I get these error messages: Oops !
Error: The password you entered for the username Guest is incorrect. Lost your password?
Please try these in yoru website:
Edit post view "Zip Code Search" ( ID:399)
- In section "Content Selection", choose only one option: "List of Locations"
- in section "Search and Pagination", edit the distance filter, option "Comparison Field - required" choose "Address", see screenshot distance-filter.JPG
- in section "Loop Editor", find and edit the content template, change it from:
[wpv-post-body view_template="loop-item-in-zip-code-search"]
Above first line will display the content template using parent "Trials" post information,
The second line will display the "address" field as a map marker.
I followed your instructions and it did not work. However, i tweaked it and am very close to getting it to work.
Here is what I changed:
1) Content Selection - List of Additional Locations only
2) Query Filter - Field to compare to = Address of Additional Locations
3) Search & Pagination - compare_field = "address-additional-locations"
4) Loop Editor - [wpv-post-body view_template="loop-item-in-zip-code-with-rfg"]
5) Custom Posts - I eliminated the use of clinical-trial-site-address and am just using the RFG for all locations, whether there is 1 location of many.
You can see from the results the map shows all of the markers and they are searchable. Now i just need the search results to show up like had before (see screenshot). Right now it is showing something i don't recognize (18640, 19641, Detroit, MI). You'll see in this video.
If you can just help me get the search results working, that will be perfect!
Also, i noticed the markers are showing my current location (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). i don't have any data points in Toronto.
Luo is on vacation. This is Minesh here and I'll take care of this ticket. Hope this is OK.
I see you shared the following test site with test page:
=> hidden link
I see Luo has already helped you with the steps, can you please clarify whats working now and whats not working where exactly you need help.
Can you please send me temporary access details as well so I can dive into admin.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.