__Tell us what you are trying to do?__
I have a single line field in a toolset type for contacts (people) that allows multiple values, one for each language that a person speaks.
On the content template for the the 'People' single content type I want to be able to list all the languages a person speaks.
When I insert a block and assign it the value from the 'People' field for 'Languages Spoken' it only outputs the first language.
__Is there any documentation that you are following?__
Not that explains how this is supposed to work.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
Not that I know of.
What is the link to your site?
hidden link
Michaelle speaks English and French but only English shows.
I've actually created the field twice. Once within the People fields group as a single field that allows multiple values, and once as a repeating field group for that content type. Can't get either to work.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Can you please try to add "Repeating Field" block and then source of this block chose your repeating field and check if that help you to resolve your issue.
K. That works. Though I don't know how. I create the block, but the block settings don't actually let me choose the field in question. And yet the field data appears. See attached.
As a developer I could use some feedback from the block editor about which field I can choose and the fact that I've chosen it.
Also, some styling options would be good. It appears as an ordered list, which is semantically fine, but I wish I didn't have to go to the custom CSS field to make it look like it should.