I have a CPT called client
a child CPT called project
Another CPT called employee
a child CPT called task
There is a relationship between PROJECT and TASK
In the 'Create a new Task' cred form, I have a select field that allows to choose the PROJECT, displaying only PROJECTS BY CURRENT USER. That's fine.
However, many time a user has to create 2 projects with the same title. In this case, when creating a TASK, he will have a duplicate in the select field without being able to know which one is for which project.
Is there a way to display related information? For example, when selecting the PROJECT relationship item, is there a way to update a field in the form so that it displays the name of the parent CLIENT? Or is there a way to populate the select field with:
'project_name' + 'parent_client' ?
I assume we are talking about Toolset Forms shortcode [cred_field], see our document:
There isn't such a feature to add more information in the relationship select field
You can add a feature request for it, our developers will evaluate it: