I am trying to make the visibility of a form conditional by the date (custom field) of the parent post.
Using the conditional system itself is great but i may write the code wrong.
So far i have tried it many ways and i came up with this so far:
[cred_show_group if="( $(event-date.parent) gte TODAY() )" mode="fade-slide"]
The "event-date" is a date from the parent custom post.
So far it has not worked, i think i need to write it differently.
I spend a day on this but can't find a solution. Sorry can you help me?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - there is no way to compare the parent field with [cred_show_group ] shortcode as its not supported natively but if you agree I can take it as a new feature request.
So, there is no way to make a conditional display of a form that is comparing the TODAY() condition to a custom Date field on the page it is displayed?
I want to achieve that this "Event submission Form" is automatically not available after the "Date of the Event" has passed. It will spare me and my coworkers a lot of time.
If i may ask you, do you have any idea how to achieve this without the direct comparison to the parent page?
For example, I already have a parent relationship in the form by using "@RELATIONSHIP-SLUG.parent " that helped my automatically create a relationship with the page the form is displayed. (Thanks to annother supporter from toolset) In the same manner, can the custom Date field not be seen and compared for a conditional display?
If it is not possible in any way, yes it would be great if a request could be made. Thank you for your time.
I want to achieve that this "Event submission Form" is automatically not available after the "Date of the Event" has passed. It will spare me and my coworkers a lot of time.
==> Well - for that you should use a content template where you should add [wpv-conditional] shortcode and add your conditional check. I would like to know here is "Date of the Event" field is created using Types?
Can you share problem URL where you added the form?
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
Well - I didnt knew that you were using Elementor.
What if you try to use following code to check your event post date conditionally within your form:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[types field='datum-des-events' output='raw'][/types]' lte 'TODAY()' )" debug="true"]
the event date is less than or equal to Today.
Please feel free to change condition as per your requirement. Currently its set to less than or equal to.
But at the moment I can't do anything. Every time I go into the form I want to change a message comes up and says that the "toolset support" (Your user handle) has taken over and is in the process to edit.
I don't know if this is a bug or if it is still you in there trying things.