Since you disabled this plugin using TOOLSET BLOCK, can you explain to me how to do that with the BLOCK editor ?
There is no options when you create a View to ask for 'query terms of custom taxonomy'...
(BTW, a lot of your documentation and support tickets are based on toolset Views and not Block editor.... It is really annoying to find answers that don't fit anymore...)
We are currently transitioning from the older way of creating Views (by adding shortcodes to HTML editors) to the new blocks-based interface. That transition will last many months, and during the transition it may take time for some of the features available in classic Views to be transitioned to Blocks.
Being able to create a View to query taxonomy terms is one such feature.
Right now it is not supported in Blocks.
One option would be for me to describe to you how to do this using the classic Views editor (you won't need to switch plugin), but the interface is less intuitive than the interface for creating Views using Blocks.
Another option would be to use PHP to register a custom shortcode to output what you want if you didn't want to familiarise yourself with the older editor.
It is likely to be some months before taxonomy Views become implemented in Blocks.
Let me know how you'd prefer to proceed and I'll direct you accordingly.
BUT the main problem of your software is the following :
If you don't install 'Tollset View' plugin (instead use 'Toolset Blocks') THERE IS NO 'Views' Menu under Toolset.
So you CAN'T create a View using classic Views editor !
The ONLY WAY to make this menu appears is to create a First View using toolset blocks. Then the 'VIews' menu appears. I think this is a bug and you should solve it !
You can go to Toolset > Settings and there you can specify that you want to see both the Blocks UI and the classic UI at the same time, even if you have Blocks installed. (They are essentially the same plugin, but expose different interfaces by default.)