I have pagination set to 'Disable' in the Theme Options (GeneratePress) menu but the default WP pagination is still visible beneath the Toolset archive pagination.
Hello, I see what you mean and I was able to reproduce this problem in my local test site. I will escalate this to my 2nd tier support team for additional investigation. In the meantime, I can show you how to hide the native pagination elements with a bit of CSS if you tell me where the WP Archive is displayed on your site. For example, to hide all the native pagination elements you could use the following CSS:
#nav-below { display: none; }
If you only want to hide the navigation on certain WP Archives, I would need to know which ones you want to target.
My issue is resolved now. Applying the CSS to the specific archive solved the problem thank you.
OK thanks for the update, our team is still investigating the problem and will have a fix available in an upcoming release. I'll keep you up-to-date here.
FYI the fix for this issue will be included in the Blocks 1.5 / Views 3.5 release.
Hello, our team is now in the process of pushing out the latest Toolset release. If you have not yet been prompted to update to the latest versions, you may need to go to wp-admin > Plugins > Add New, then click the Commercial tab. In the Toolset Installer panel, click "Check for Updates", and the automatic installer should find the latest versions of Toolset plugins ready to install. The fix for this issue is included in the latest updates. Thanks for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue. Feel free to close here or let me know if the issue is not fully resolved.