I'm updating an old site, replacing the now-discontinued "Toolset Starter" theme with GeneratePress. I've updated all the plugins, and set it to use Bootstrap 4. The one problem I'm having is that while it displays the initial/default tab content, the first tab does not appear in the selected state.
For example, compare the current site : hidden link
To the new development version : hidden link
Why isn't the Radio Shows tab appearing as active? What can I try to resolve it?
Hi Bob,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
During testing on my website, I was able to reproduce this too and it seems to happen when the tabs cell from Layouts plugin is used with Bootstrap 4.
I'm going to share these findings with the concerned team and appreciate you brought this forward.
For now, a workaround can be to include the following JS code in a visual editor cell with HTML editing mode:
( example screenshot attached )
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
jQuery('ul.nav li.nav-item.active a.nav-link').addClass('active');
The fix for this issue has been covered in the latest release (version 2.6.9) of the Toolset Layouts.
You're welcome to update and let us know through a new ticket if you experience something out of place.