Thank you for the link.
> 1st issue: I can't size the "message" box in order to have the max-width of the form "box". (this is surely the lack of knowledge I have in programming...)
- To make the message box fill the full available width, you don't need the custom script to change the text area's rows and cols values.
You can simply include some inline CSS code to set 100% width to its container "div", for example:
<div class="noresult-form-item" style="max-width: 100%; width: 100%;"> [cred_field field='ir-message' force_type='field'] </div>
> 2nd issue: the Recaptcha box is not displaying next to the "envoyer" button.
When you send your form the recaptcha is then displayed and also a error message telling you have to check Recaptcha checkbox.
- I see that the Recaptcha box is showing inline with the "envoyer" button.
( screenshot: hidden link )
The space between them is due to the styles added to the parent div with the class "noresult-form-subblock".
( screenshot: hidden link )
If you'd like the Recaptcha box to be right next to the "envoyer" button, you can remove the class "noresult-form-subblock" from the parent div and then adjust the padding, margin and float CSS properties, as needed.
Note: To check which CSS code is applying to different page elements, you can use Google Chrome's inspect element tool, as explained in this guide:
hidden link
> 3rd issue : if you don't fill a mandatory field, it display an error message (which is ok), but when you reinitialise the search and make again a selection where a "nothing found" is returned, it's displaying again the form (good 'til there) but also the error message for the missing email even if you didn't fill anything yet. The Recaptcha is now displaying....
- That is happening because the view is set to update the results (when the search or pagination is processed) using AJAX and without reloading the page. As a result, the form doesn't get a chance to reset itself and the same instance of the form keeps showing.
To avoid this, you'll have to change the AJAX options in the view's "Pagination and Sliders Settings" and "Custom Search Settings" sections.
> Can you also tell me how to avoid being in the middle of African waters when results are "none" ?
Is it possible to specify a center map by default in a block view ?
- When no results are found, the map has no map marker information from the source view.
You can change that by adding a map marker inside the view's "wpv-no-items-found" tag, similar to how you're showing the form.
Step 1:
hidden link
Step 2:
hidden link
Step 3:
hidden link