So the problem here has to do with the form being added in the pop-up. Given that the datepicker is using Javascript to initialise function, then the form will need to be click to on its own dedicated page.
What is essentially happen is the form is being dynamically loaded and not displayed directly on the page load, so all the required functions for the fields do not get loaded correctly.
This means that you will need to have your edit form on a separate page and not in the pop-up.
Are you aware of creating a separate page for the edit form or would you like be to guide you through this process?
Regarding the scroll issue it seems your pop-up code is breaking the page itself. Unfortunately this is not something that I can assist with since it involves custom code.
Please let me know and I will be more than happy to assist you.
Thanks. I do know how to add an edit form to a separate page. But is there anyway to load/re-trigger the datepicker to initialize when the popup is opened? Or perhaps I could add a button next to the dates that the user could click to activate those fields?
Right now I don't have a solution for this as it is linked to how your modal system works. The UABB causes the code for the datepicker not to work as mentioned previously.
The functions that are responsible for the datepicker is expecting the datepicker to be on the actual page. Our datepicker is a custom datepicker that functions so that a timestamp can be saved to the database, so you can imagine the code for this is complex.
A simple call to reinitialise the datepicker doesn't exist at the moment. Replacing it with a standard datepicker won't work either because the fields requires a timestamp.
The resolution to this one would be to add the edit form as a separate page. If possible I can get a copy of your site to submit to our team for further analysis but I cannot guarantee a quick solution on this one from our side.
With your permission I would like to grab a copy of your site for further testing here locally.