I am referring to this issue posted some time ago https://toolset.com/forums/topic/date-filter-doesnt-work-on-views/
A workaround was given but this has it seems never appeared on your list of known issues and as far as I can tell the issue still exists. It seems like a pretty major issue to me and the workaround is not scalable. The workaround would have to be repeated for each different date filter in each view.
Can you tell me if this is a bug and if so what the plans are for a fix?
Hi, thanks for the follow-up. I can see that date filters usability issues have been logged in our developers' queue of issues to resolve, but I do not have a timeline available for their implementation. The plan is to address date filter usability and implementation in a future release, but our developers have not yet scheduled that effort for an upcoming sprint so it's still backlogged. I can keep you posted through this ticket as I receive additional information about that, but for now, a custom code workaround is required as you've mentioned.
Thanks Christian for the very speedy response. This doesn't strike me as a usability issue but a bug (unless you count not being able to use something at all as a usability issue). Just an observation but it seems like this ought to be a priority for developers as a serious bug.
Your comments have been noted, thanks! It's a critical issue and the amount of effort required to fix it correctly is significant, so our developers are not taking it lightly.