My customers are selecting a date to filter a table through a date picker filter. The issue is after selecting a date they click the search button (normal to do). However, the date takes a while to show up and complete whatever it is thinking, so by the time my customers click search, the date field is "not selected".
You are right that there is a perceptible lag with the datepicker, which is because once the date is selected an ajax request is made to convert that to a timestamp consistent with the server timezone settings, and the result gets added to a hidden input in the filters form.
I think we can do better, I've noticed it myself before, and so I've created a usability ticket about the issue. The next dev cycle after the current one will have a usability focus, so hopefully it may get consideration then, but in any case I've submitted the ticket with your comments.
Just thought of an idea. Is there a way to add a spinner graphic as the Date is thinking? That way my customers wont click the search button before the date is truly selected as they will see a spinner graphic.
Not simply. I just did some quick testing to try adding the text "Loading..." into the field when you click on it, expecting that to be replaced with the formatted date when the ajax request completes, but unfortunately the first thing the plugin code does is clear the field to make sure it is blank while fetching the date, so to override that would mean changing the plugin code.