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Date field - need to make it choose between two dates range.
Example - there is an event and this event is going to last 3 days. Is there a way to make the date field havign the option to choose from date X to date Y.
Are you talking about entering data, or using the data (such as filtering)?
If you refer to entering data, you would add separate date fields for the from date and the to date, you cannot include a range of dates in a single field.
Is this correct ?
Then would the dates - 24,25,26 which are between 23 and 27th be displayed in the search field as results for the specific date range on the post as well ?
I am attaching screenshot on the search field in front-end too.
You can make a field accept multiple instances, but there are no guarantees that they will be stored and retrieved in some expected order. The values will be stored in wp_postmeta for the given post_id, but you can't be sure that the first value will always be the from value and the second value the to value.
And that also means they cannot be used sensibly in search filters as there is no way to distinguish start and finish dates.
You should create separate start and finish date fields.