Hi Nigel
thank you for your answer. First I have no associations.
I got two tables wp_toolset_associations_new and wp_toolset_associations_old
I deleted both to add a wp_toolset_associations but I think I missed something, do you have a SQL script to add this table ?
and sorry I didn't reply to your question. It's a quite old site with toolset on it from the beginning, around 6 years ago I think, so with an old version of Toolset, 2 I suppose. No relationship between tables, I first use it for custom field and now (this summer) I migrated all custom posts in Toolset (created by CPUI).
There is no wp_toolset_associations but a TABLESPACE, that block any new creation or copy from another DB.
I'm checking with the Types developer to see how to proceed based on the above, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I would say, though, based upon what you describe that it appears you are not using post relationships at all on this site, and so you can likely proceed without the migration.
Hi Nigel
thanks. Well, the site is going well, you're right, because I don't have relations, it's basic custom posts with custom fields to display different team members (researcher, PhD students etc) and three other cpt to display specific blog for master courses. Nothing really amazing.
I just want to be sure that I won't have any issue in the future 😉
This is with the developers, I don't have any feedback at the moment other than that this shouldn't affect your site in any meaningful way as you are not using relationships.
I'm marking this thread as escalated, and I'll update you when I have some news.
The developer has being trying to imagine the steps that would have led to this problem—you say the site doesn't have any relationships but the likely steps suggest at least one connection between posts was made at some point in the past—but, anyway, the key thing is that we want to be sure that when we publish the update for Types soon that the changes will be sure to work on your site.
Can I get a copy of your site to share with the developer for testing?
See hidden link
If you create a backup with Duplicator—be sure to exclude the uploads directory to keep the size down—you can share the packages with dropbox or similar here (the link will be hidden).
I update my site to the last toolset version, and still the same issue 🙁
I know that I can now hide it but still, it's an issue no ?
If you find a solution...
> The upgrade process is starting...
> Precondition "correct database layer mode"... OK
> Precondition "toolset_associations table exists"... ERR
I checked myself just now and the database migration completed successfully with the updated plugin versions.
Please go ahead and update (if you don't see the updates available, from the custom installer page—click the registered links—use the Check for updates button), and then run the migration as requested.
I have updated to 3.4.3 this morning, and there's still this issue, whatever I do.
Do you want access to the site, or to the SQL database to inquire ?
Or maybe you have a phpadmin script to create what is missing ?