We would like to set up a page on the site that will display information pulled from Woocommerce store orders. We would like the output to be in Table format and include the following field data from our store orders:
1) Customer Last Name
2) Customer First Name
3) Order ID
4) User ID
5) User account initial registration date
6) Renewal date (not sure if we'll be able to do this or not. This relates to a question asked in the previous support ticket I just opened asking about setting up Custom Roles that get added to a user account upon purchase of specific products. If such Roles can be set up, then we would want to include this field showing the date that user's Role assignment expires)
7) Customer Street Address 1
8) Customer Telephone Number
9) Customer Zip Code
10) Customer E-Mail Address
Then, once this report is created with a front end page view, we would also like to add the ability to download the report in Excel or CSV format.
That's the first custom report we'd like to set up. The second custom report will also be in Table format and should include the following field data from our store orders:
1) Order ID
2) Order date
3) Customer Last Name
4) Customer First Name
5) Renewal Date (same as same field above)
6) Custom Role name
7) Product Ordered
Then, once this report is created with a front end page view, we would also like to add the ability to download the report in Excel or CSV format.
Then we would like a third custom report that should include the following field data from our store orders:
1) Order ID
2) Order date
3) Customer Last Name
4) Customer First Name
5) Order Total
6) Heard About? (This should be a custom field that we would like to add to the checkout process where we get customers to let us know where they heard about us) This report would show the data chosen in a selection box by the customer. I understand if this functionality is beyond what your plugin is designed to achieve.
7) SKU of the product ordered
8) Product attributes - We have a selection box for an attribute on all the products and would like to display what each customer selects here.
Then, once this report is created with a front end page view, we would also like to add the ability to download the report in Excel or CSV format.
The the fourth and final custom report we would like to set up should include the following field data from our store orders:
1) Order ID
2) Order date
3) Customer Last Name
4) Customer Firest Name
5) Credit card type
6) Credit card number (should show only last 4 digits)
7) Order total
8) Heard About (This is the same as the custom field described above if that is doable)
Then, once this report is created with a front end page view, we would also like to add the ability to download the report in Excel or CSV format.
This report should also have a filter on the page that allows for the selection of a date range that will only display results for orders falling within the date range selected. It should show all orders by default and only apply the filter if a date range is added.
Please let me know your thoughts on if Toolset would be able to achieve these results as is. As was the case with the support thread filed for achieving our desired Archives page output, this is another one where if you can show me how to do the first one, I should be able to figure out the rest on my own.
I'm just unclear on how to achieve these results from my efforts so far. I'm not seeing all the order data available when trying to create a View. I did see a documentation page on your site that showed me that I have to enable the Woocommerce related fields in Settings | Front-End Content | Hidden custom fields. I have done that already, but I'm not seeing where these fields are now available.
I have set up a page on the site titled Manage Members where I would like to display the first report detailed above. But I can't figure out how to get this content on that page. When i click on Fields and Views in the Classic Editor, I'm not seeing these fields available there. I didn't see anything in the Block Editor either. So I went to create a new View under Toolset first, figuring maybe I need to create the View first and then place it on the Page. So under Toolset | Views, I tried to create Manage Members there. I didn't get very far there because this is first attempt I'm making setting up a View and I'm finding it very confusing. Any assistance would be appreciated. If this is something where we'd need to hire one of your contractors to achieve this, let me know. But again, if you can just give me a nudge in the right direction for how to best go about setting these up, I think I can figure out the rest.