Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - I see you want to display some content conditionally but still its not clear to me what exactly content you want to display conditionally exactly where.
I see you shared contact page but I still not understand exactly what content you want to display. Do you want to display all cities just besides the contact form.
We only want to display the city that is picked in the location dropdown or in the menu. Please see screenshots. You have access to the site and FTP. You can see the location appear when logged in but does not display if not logged in. Please let me know if you need more info. We really need to get this figured out ASAP.
Thank you for sharing screenshot and information but I see the dropdown is a static HTML dropdown.
As I underrstand - you want to convert that static HTML dropdown to dynamic drop-down - correct? If yes - the thing is that, you placed the dropdown in top header. Toolset view do not control the theme parts like headers, foolters, sidebars etc..etc..
Can you please tell me from where that menu generated. I think if you able to pass the URL param, like location_id=XX, we can control the things. But I do not have idea how that menu is generated dynamically form where exactly using which shortcodes.
Did you login and go to one of the contact pages? When logged in the location information displays correctly. When logged out it is blank. It is all there. We just need it to display when logged out. I said nothing about the menu. Please let me know if you can help us. If not we will go with a different plugin.
Ok - Yes, I checked now and I see there is no Toolset involved here. To display that Office information on page I do not see if there is any Toolset view or content template used:
=> hidden link
I suggest check this how that functionality is created using what plugins and then try to display it as per your requirements on frontend.