I have custom posts and custom roles, in general, custom posts can be edit/delete by my own author, if I want to allow custom posts to be edit/delete by a group of the specific author, how can I set the access right using the Access?
You want all posts of some custom post type to be edited by a specific group of authors, yes?
The only way to create a "group" of authors is to make a custom role.
You can make a custom role which is a copy of the author role, but has some other name. You then assign this role to whichever authors should belong to the "group".
Thanks for your reply. as I will have many same custom posts like "class", a "class" will be managed by several tutors, if I have hundreds of classes, then may I have hundreds of group? This is not possible. Any other possible solution?
Toolset Access plugin can control the access to posts on post type level, that means you can setup a user role, for example "tutors", and enable privileges "Edit any" + "Delete any" to your custom post type "class" for user role "tutors", then all "tutors" users can edit/delete any "class" posts, see our document: https://toolset.com/course-lesson/setting-access-control/
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset plugins or WordPress core, one post can have only one author, you might consider these:
1) Create a custom post type "tutors", setup each tutors post's author as different WordPress users
2) Setup many-to-many relationship between "tutors" and "class"
3) In single "tutors" post, display a post view:
- Query "class" posts
- Filter by post type relationship between "tutors" and "class"
- In Views loop, display the editing post form link + delete post form link