I am trying to: I'm trying to display repeatable fields in the custom order they have in the backend (see backend_order.png)
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: See Domain 2 Recommendations on this page hidden link (password July)
I expected to see: Same order as the backend
Instead, I got: Recommendations all out of order. (see frontend_order.png)
Settings are set as seen here https://toolset.com/documentation/getting-started-with-toolset/creating-and-displaying-repeatable-field-groups/#displaying-repeatable-field-groups-in-custom-order (see recommendation_settings.png)
Hi, I don't see anything obviously wrong in your View's configurations so I suspect something else is going on. Can you show me how this View of RFGs is added to its parent View? For instance, is this inserted with a shortcode? Please share the entire shortcode for me, or show me a screenshot that shows how it is added.
Also, please let me know if you temporarily switch to the parent Divi theme and deactivate all plugins except Types and Views, does the problem still occur?
Please see attached.
Same results activating parent Divi and de-activating all other plugins.
Hmm, still not seeing anything obvious here. Is it okay for me to login and create a copy of your site using the Duplicator plugin, so I can run some additional tests locally? This way I can test various changes without breaking the live site. If that's okay, please provide login credentials in the private reply fields here.
It seems that the order option "as a number" is working more like expected, as opposed to the option shown in the tutorial image "as a native custom field". Can you do a quick check and confirm the sorting is more like you'd expect? If so, I would like to ask my team for some clarification or a documentation update here.
Yes, that seems to have solved the issue. Thank you!