How can I use the customise_cred_notifications hook to do it?
The current %%RESET_PASSWORD_LINK%% placeholder of Forms notifications is a simple link to the lost password page, it isn't a reset link.
It would be great if you create a palceholder for the reset password link in the Forms notification, it would work great as an account activation email.
Hi Shane, thanks for your answer, but I don't' need to customize the retrieve password message. What I need is to customize the message of a Tooflset Forms notification. I saw examples how to customize notificaion's 'headers' by customise_cred_notifications, but I'm not sure if I can use the same hook to customize the 'message' of the notification. Can you help me?
What you mention in your initial post is a little contradictory because if you are triggering the reset password notification, then our Forms hook will not work for this because the reset password email comes directly from wordpress.
"The current %%RESET_PASSWORD_LINK%% placeholder of Forms notifications is a simple link to the lost password page, it isn't a reset link."
This is what wordpress actually generates, it resets the password by sending you to the lost password page then it emails you a link in order to reset that password.
You can create your code as a custom placeholder then build your notification in your form then add the placeholder to where you want to have your generate message.