I've this data:
subscription number, name, lastname, user type, subscription date
1 , John, Smith, A, 01/01/2010
2 , Paul, Ross, A, 01/04/2011
3 , Kevin, Trevor, B, 14/05/2012
4 , Albert, Shane, A, 20/08/2015
5 , Walt, Bane, C, 03/10/2018
6 , Roger, Tayle, A, 21/10/2019
7 , Alfred, Htich, B, 07/11/2019
8, May, Mason, C, 08/12/2020
Each user has different step of level after some months of his date of subscription:
- after 6 months : Level 1
- after 9 months : Level 2
- after 12 months : Level 3
- after 16 months : Level 4
- after 18 months : Level 5
- after 78 months : Level 6
I need a filter to list what users are in a specific Level in a particular month and year.
Then I need 3 filters:
1. the filter for Levels (1...6) or Levels in months (6, 9, 12, 16, 18, 78)
2. the filter for Monts (1...12)
3. the filter for Years (LowerYear(subcription) ... Year(Now))
For example: Users with "Level 2" in "Aug" "2020"?
When I select all this 3 filters I can see the users list in this way:
number | name | lastname | type | subscription | level date
6 Roger Tayle A 21/10/2019 21/07/2020
7 Alfred Htich B 07/11/2019 07/08/2020
Is it possible?
How can I built filters as I need?
How can I diplay result data (users list) as I need?
I've tryed to add a filter but i don't know how to add a custom filter.
And I don't know how to manage the data in list to add a filter value : subscription date + (filter value) months
In attachment the table with the example data of users and the calculated levels/date.