I am trying to:
Display the custom fields "Appliances" or "Entertainment" under "Motorhomes" Custom Fields as an unordered list on my front end. I recently switched themes to Divi and am building my template.
Each motorhome I have is tied to the "Single Motorhome" page template built by Divi except the Monaco 43' listed below which is tied to "Single Luxury Motorhome"
It appears to be displaying every single checkbox, even the ones not checked. How can I fix this?
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
Click "Features"
Scroll down to "Entertainment"
See how it's displaying extra
Here's my code:
{!{types field='motorhome_appliances' separator='
- '}!}{!{/types}!}
{!{types field='motorhome_entertainment' separator='
- '}!}{!{/types}!}
<h4>Luxury Equipment:</h4>
{!{types field='motorhome_optional_equipment' separator='
- '}!}{!{/types}!}<p></p>
<h4>Leveling Information:</h4>
<p>{!{types field='motorhome_jacks_and_leveling_systems' separator=' '}!}{!{/types}!}</p>