This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.
A custom image size is registered but when outputting the images they are smaller than expected, not properly cropped.
The add_image_size function WordPress function has a final argument for whether the image should be cropped or just resized, which is the default, and in this case crop needed to be explicitly set to true.
I am trying to: display a custom image size in a content template.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: my custom image size (add_image_size( 'blog-feature', 855, 330 );) output when I use [wpv-post-featured-image size="blog-feature" class="sb-post-image"], but it's not cropping correctly (or something) so it's not outputting the image correctly. (I have regenerated my thumbnails twice.)
Instead, I got: a smaller version of the uncropped image.
NOTE: I denied access to the site on this for now, since I'm not sure that's needed and I wasn't able to give you access to the site without also giving FTP information. It seemed like a lot for this, but I will provide if absolutely necessary. Thanks in advance.
Adding a screenshot because I need to change the image sizes manually (ie. crop the image to that size in Illustrator) to keep on track with a deadline for this client.
It's not clear from your description exactly what's different about the images from what you are expecting.
I suspect the problem is that where you have defined the image size, by not specifying crop, it defaults to false, so your images are resized rather than being cropped.
What does that mean?
Your custom image size is 855 x 330.
Say you upload a big 2000 x 2000 image.
Right now, with crop defaulting to false, the image will be resized without cropping so that it fits into the smallest dimension (a height of 330px), meaning an image of 330 x 330 will be created.
I suspect what want to happen is that an image is created with the specific dimensions of 855 x 330, meaning that the width would be scaled down from 2000 to 855, with the height scaled proportionately, and then the top and bottom cropped to leave 330 of the middle showing.
If that's the case then where you define your custom image size you need to specify that crop is true, i.e.
So, SUPER DUH. I removed the hard crop after it didn't work the first time, but BEFORE I regenerated thumbnails. Thanks for helping me fix an issue that had nothing to do with your product, and everything to do with tired user error. Works great. Love it. Thanks again. (PS: Yes, you understood the problem exactly.) Have an awesome day.