Hello! Thank you for helping with this weird issue. I have scoured the documentation and cannot find any reference to this particular functionality.
I am trying to:
Create a generic field that I can use as a condition to send an email notification when a form is submitted.
Below is the generic field I want to use. Essentially the box will be checked or unchecked depending on what page the form is viewed on.
[cred_generic_field type='checkbox' field='nielson-owned' class='' urlparam='']
"checked":"[types field='nielsen-licensed' output='raw'][/types]",
"label":"Nielson Licensed"
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
I expect to see my field in the dropdown, or have a space allowing me to enter the name of the field I want to check.
Instead, I got:
It only shows custom fields associated with the post type. This seems to be different than in previous versions of Toolset CRED.
According to our document, there isn't such an option to send the email notification on generic field:
In your case, you are storing the generic field "nielson-owned" into database, the meta-key is the same "nielson-owned", I suggest you try to convert the "nielson-owned" field as a checkbox field in Toolset form, for example:
1) Dashboard-> Toolset-> Post Forms, click "Manage non-Toolset Post Fields", manage the "nielson-owned" field as a checkbox field,
2) Edit your post form, put above "nielson-owned" field into form content, then you will be able to use "nielson-owned" field as email notification condition.
More help:
This is a little disappointing, and I'm not sure it's 100% accurate, because I have a previous version of Toolset Cred installed on another website and it definitely does let me send emails on conditions based on generic fields (CRED v. 1.9.5).
I'm not trying to update any custom fields from Toolset or another program. The checkbox is only a flag to determine whether an email should be sent. It seems that the functionality is built into Toolset already, it's just not allowing me to select the field from the dropdown.
Attached is an image from the other website that does have the behavior I'm looking for, and the generic field that it is finding.
[cred_generic_field field='email-jake-denning' type='checkbox' class='' urlparam='']
"persist" : 1,
"label":"Email Jake Denning"
Thanks for the details, I have tested Toolset Form plugin version 1.9.5, I do see the same result as your screenshot, so I have escalated this thread, will update here if there is any news.
Thank you for testing, and confirming the issue. Your effort is much appreciated.
Here is the update, this issue has been put into our to-do list as a bug, our developers will take care of it.
Okay, thank you. Hopefully an update in the near future has a fix for it.