Though the notification has been translated in WPML strings, the email received in the secondary language does not contain this translation.
Please kindly help.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Based on the debug information you shared I do not see what WPML and Toolset plugin version you are using.
Can you please share what thing is not translated? In addition to that please share access details and problem URL and what form you are using.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
Can you please share how can I access the form on the frontend? On what page? Do I need to login as different user to see the form, If yes, please share access details for that user.
I will need to know a step-by-step information where I can see the form on frontend. How can I access it on frontend.
I've wrapped your email notification body with [wpml-string] shrotcode so that it will grab the translation string based on context and name attribute as given under.
[wpml-string context='cred-form-Enregistrement garantie-242511' name='CRED Notification Body a164023c57316cda7bf9b070035969f9']
Dear [wpv-user field="user_firstname"] [wpv-user field="user_lastname"],
Your warranty form regarding invoice #[types field='garantie-facture-numero'][/types] has been registered.
Our technical department will study your request within 10 days.
We will inform you by email when your request status has been changed, you can find it in your customer account[wpv-bloginfo show="url"]/my-account
SADEV product and quality service
The above string you will find with your String Translation module:
=> hidden link
I've also added the br tags to your translated string so that it will displayed in next line.
Bonjour [wpv-user field="user_firstname"] [wpv-user field="user_lastname"],
<br /><br />
Votre formulaire de garantie concernant la facture N°[types field='garantie-facture-numero'][/types]a été validée.
<br /><br />
Vous pouvez le retrouver dans votre compte client [wpv-bloginfo show="url"]/fr/mon-compte
<br /><br />
<br /><br />
Service produit et qualité de SADEV
Can you pleases confirm now email translation works when you submit the form.
The email body translation looks to be fixed but I face the same issue with the email title "Your warranty form regarding the invoice #[types field='garantie-facture-numero'][/types] has been registered".
You need to wrap whatever string you want to translate with [wpml-string] shrotcode.
So, again, I went to String Translation and find your required subject string that you want to translate:
=> hidden link
Then, using [wpml-string] shortcode I've adjusted its context and name attribute that you can find with your registered string.
=> hidden link
I've adjusted the subject string as given under that is wrapped with [wpml-string] shrotcode on your form.
=> hidden link
[wpml-string context='cred-form-Enregistrement garantie-242511' name='CRED Notification Subject a8f98105770adb4dcfe998b745db9272']Your warranty form regarding the invoice #[types field='garantie-facture-numero'][/types] has been registered[/wpml-string]