I have a cred form to create standard WP posts. I have used the standard shortcode to insert tag fields:
[cred_field field='post_tag']
<div class="cred-taxonomy-auxilliary cred-taxonomy-auxilliary-post_tag_popular">
[cred_field field='post_tag_popular' taxonomy='post_tag' type='show_popular']
I want to show the site's existing tags in a dropdown or tag cloud, so that the user can select a tag or multiple tags to apply to the post.
The list of popular tags is not comprehensive enough and there does not appear to be the ability for the system to show existing tags when the user starts typing like there is in the Dashboard.
Is it possible to display the complete list of tags for the user to select from?
Dear David,
There isn't such a built-in feature within [cred_field] to achieve what you want:
to display the complete list of tags
see our document:
type. Optional. Used by taxonomy auxiliary fields (like show_popular) to signify which type of functionality it provides (eg. “show_popular”) (used with “taxonomy” option).
If you agree, we can take it as a feature request, our developers will evaluate it.
Hi Luo,
It is surprising there is no way to do this; it seems like standard stuff.
Yes, please make it a feature request.
Thanks for the feedback, I forward it to our supporter Beda, he manages the feature request of CRED plugin. But there isn't any ETA for it, I suggest you subscribe to our blog to get the updated news: