I've discovered quite a few for two CPT post types (wedding-supplier and contact-form), post_status = auto-draft in PHPMyAdmin. Both CPTs use a CRED form.
Just a little concerned over time the db will become much larger than it needs to be with these posts.
As far as I can tell these are not images. In my original call I saw these in the Media Library and could just delete them, from the back end.
My contact forms don't use any images.
What you are looking at here are stray posts that aren't being cleared from the database in PHPMyAdmin. These are not visible at all in the back end, but from my point of view should therefore not still be in the database.
I have no idea. They aren't seen in the back end so hadn't noticed them before. They must be created though by site visitors using the CRED forms on the front end. I guess they are saved after a certain amount of time has elapsed, before the post itself is saved. The post status of them all is auto-draft.